Yoga in the Pittsburgh Botanic Garden
Saturdays, Feb 15, 22, 29 and March 7
10:30 – 11:30 am
Members $30 | Nonmember $45 Purchase tickets through the Garden
Beat the winter blues with yoga at the Garden! This class is open to adults with all levels of experience. Please bring a yoga mat and check in at Bayer Welcome Center before each class. Taught by Patti Schmitt from Yoga H’Om, this series of four classes will be held in the beautiful indoor event space. Price includes all four sessions. Pre-registration is required.
Location: Davidson Event Ctr, Pittsburgh Botanic Garden, 799 Pinkerton Run Rd l Oakdale, PA 15071 l 412.444.4464 x229
Class will be held indoors
The fee is Garden Members $30 / Non-members $45 for the series of 4. No individual tickets will be sold.